Thursday, November 27, 2008


hello!! so it's thanksgiving morning, and i'm lying in bed, watching a movie. it's a little sad that i'm not home for thanksgiving--besides obviously seeing the family, i'm missing so much goooooood foooooood!!! however, we are cooking "thanksgiving dinner" here on saturday, so we'll have it, even if it is a little displaced.

so, i have a new job. it's not with office team. it's not even close to office work. claire pulled some strings at the place she's working (through office team) and they needed "domestic staff" (translation: housekeepers). the idea i got was that under the old management, people just got really lazy and things that needed to get done weren't getting done. so a lot of people have been fired, and the new management is looking for new people to replace the old workers. the pay isn't quite what i would be making doing office work, but i figured that it will probably even out since it will be steady work and not the two-weeks-on three-weeks-off kind of deal. AND they talked about "bumping" me up to a supervisor's position (did i forget to mention that i have ZERO housekeeping experience??) so that i'll make more and have more flexibility in my schedule, as far as when i want to work, when i can take holiday, etc. oooh, also. this is in a nursing home. i met a few of the residents yesterday and have a feeling that things could get pretty interesting...

anywho. back to sisterhood of the traveling pants 2!!

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