Tuesday, October 7, 2008

macaroni and cheese = christmas

October 5, 2008

Since my last journaling, nothing too exciting has happened. I’ve finished my job at YoungScot because they’ve used up their temping budget for the year. I made some good quasi-friends at YoungScot. Last week, everyone started to talk to me, and I’m let in on jokes and conversations and whatnot…it’s quite lovely. Martin is the IT/website guy, and sometimes his accent is a little hard to understand (big surprise there), but he’s reaaaaally nice and actually reminds me of my Uncle Woodward. Red hair, a chuckle, very friendly. Good times. The girls that sit at my desk area are hilarious as well. They include Sarah Jane, Fiona, Molly and Lois. Kyle is a boy who also sits there, but he’s very quiet and just works all day. The girls are so funny—they crack jokes all day long, cuss like mad and are just loads of fun to be around. Molly is 27, has a little one year old girl, and is pregnant and likes to make the running joke to Martin (NOT her boss at all) that she really needs a pay raise since she’ll soon have two children. Which Martin would never understand since he has no children of his own. It’s quite funny, even if it doesn’t sound so funny on paper. Lois is just a smart ass and likes to make fun of everyone. She has Yahoo as her email server but likes to pronounce it like it has the a-sound of apple and stretch out the hoo part. And Fiona is just really sweet.

So today was a good day. We slept in until about eleven, and then ate some breakfast and went to Asda, which is like Christmas. (The title comes from me seeing a Rastafarian guy running down the street to catch the bus, when I said, “Run, Rasta, run!!” and Claire thoroughly enjoyed it.) Basically, it’s a British Wal-Mart, but it was the most glorious, exciting sight that we had seen in a while when we discovered it last week. We decided it was time to buy real food that was actually sustainable and so we bought chicken, pasta, milk, bread, soups, frozen vegetables, and a whole lot of other stuff--£90 worth of stuff. We also took our friend Angela along.

I almost forgot to write about our friend Mark (slash our “un-friend Mark”). Claire, Angela and I went to the Tron last night after Anna decided to go home, and we went downstairs to use the bathroom and as we were coming out, heard music in the basement so we decided to check it out and have a dance party. As it turns out, White Heath had played earlier in the night and Mark was there. After Claire and I had danced a little, he came over and started to talk to us, where Claire mentioned that we really wished that he would quit calling us, and that it was becoming quite obnoxious. He then asked if he got our numbers last weekend, (“Yes, you did.”) and so sorry I was a little drunk on Saturday! I don’t even know how I managed to play (“Yes, we noticed.”), and oh, look! There you are ("Claire American" in his phone). Amazing. He asked us if we had made any friends yet (“No, not really.”) and so hopefully he’ll actually call us now that we’ve met sober. And apparently, White Heath plays at the Tron quite often, like every Saturday night (hopefully). So it looks like we have Saturday night plans for a while. Yay!

We made baked macaroni and cheese tonight and it was glorious. Amazing. Wonderful. Soooo good. It was nice to have some food that wasn’t foreign to us and we didn’t have to ask what it was/what was in it.

Okay, I must sleep. Tiiiiired Kate. Goodnight.