Tuesday, October 14, 2008

so euro chic...

i'm a really bad poster. i realize this. however, on this ever-special, hugely monumental occasion, i thought it would be proper to actually sit down and post. now, don't get scared, because what i'm about to type is going to be a little surprising. okay, maybe not really, because i'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type of girl....but still.

i just chopped all my hair off. like....OFF. not shortshortshort, as in pixie-short, but pretty darn short. if i can manage to post a picture up here, i will.

i think it's super cute...and will be especially super cute when i can play with it and once it grows out a little bit...everyone knows how new haircuts are so awkward....

okay, i'm off to the post office to buy postcard stamps!


Beth Ivory said...

Love love love the new hair! It is so weird to see you with uber short hair. You are so freaking classy I can't stand it.

April said...

Kate, I think it looks wonderful on you! It really suits your face, it makes you look even lovelier. I'm glad you are enjoying Scotland!